Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Answer - Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: Reply, Retort, Repartee, Rejoinder, Response, Solution
Antonyms: Query, Interrogation, Defiance, Question
Answer - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Answer: English to Bangla
Answer: English to English
Answer (n.) A counter-statement of facts in a course of pleadings; a confutation of what the other party has alleged; a responsive declaration by a witness in reply to a question. In Equity, it is the usual form of defense to the complainant's charges in his bill.
Answer (n.) A reply to a change; a defense.
Answer (n.) A solution, the result of a mathematical operation; as, the answer to a problem.
Answer (n.) Something done in return for, or in consequence of, something else; a responsive action.
Answer (n.) Something said or written in reply to a question, a call, an argument, an address, or the like; a reply.
Answer (n.) To atone; to be punished for.
Answer (n.) To be opposite to; to face.
Answer (n.) To be or act an equivalent to, or as adequate or sufficient for; to serve for; to repay.
Answer (n.) To be or act in accommodation, conformity, relation, or proportion to; to correspond to; to suit.
Answer (n.) To be or act in compliance with, in fulfillment or satisfaction of, as an order, obligation, demand; as, he answered my claim upon him; the servant answered the bell.
Answer (n.) To be or act in return or response to.
Answer (n.) To render account to or for.
Answer (n.) To respond to satisfactorily; to meet successfully by way of explanation, argument, or justification, and the like; to refute.
Answer (n.) To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation.
Answer (n.) To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to (a question, remark, etc.); to respond to.
Answer (v. i.) To be opposite, or to act in opposition.
Answer (v. i.) To be or act as an equivalent, or as adequate or sufficient; as, a very few will answer.
Answer (v. i.) To be or act by way of compliance, fulfillment, reciprocation, or satisfaction; to serve the purpose; as, gypsum answers as a manure on some soils.
Answer (v. i.) To be or act in conformity, or by way of accommodation, correspondence, relation, or proportion; to conform; to correspond; to suit; -- usually with to.
Answer (v. i.) To be or act in return.
Answer (v. i.) To make a satisfactory response or return.
Answer (v. i.) To render account, or to be responsible; to be accountable; to make amends; as, the man must answer to his employer for the money intrusted to his care.
Answer (v. i.) To speak or write by way of return (originally, to a charge), or in reply; to make response.
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