Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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English to Bangla / English Dictionary
নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
Nearby words in dictionary:
Gene | Genealogical | Genealogist | Genealogy | Genera | General | Generalissimo | Generality | Generalization | Generalize | Generally

General - Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: Common, Popular, Public, Universal, Accepted
Antonyms: Uncommon, Unusual, Queer, Specific
General - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
General: English to Bangla
General: English to English
General (a.) As a whole; in gross; for the most part.
General (a.) Common to many, or the greatest number; widely spread; prevalent; extensive, though not universal; as, a general opinion; a general custom.
General (a.) Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or particular; including all particulars; as, a general inference or conclusion.
General (a.) Having a relation to all; common to the whole; as, Adam, our general sire.
General (a.) Not restrained or limited to a precise import; not specific; vague; indefinite; lax in signification; as, a loose and general expression.
General (a.) One of the chief military officers of a government or country; the commander of an army, of a body of men not less than a brigade. In European armies, the highest military rank next below field marshal.
General (a.) Relating to a genus or kind; pertaining to a whole class or order; as, a general law of animal or vegetable economy.
General (a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule.
General (a.) The public; the people; the vulgar.
General (a.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops together; as, to beat the general.
General (a.) The whole; the total; that which comprehends or relates to all, or the chief part; -- opposed to particular.
General (a.) Usual; common, on most occasions; as, his general habit or method.
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