Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Quarter - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Quarter: English to Bangla
Quarter: English to English
Quarter (n.) A term of study in a seminary, college, etc, etc.; properly, a fourth part of the year, but often longer or shorter.
Quarter (n.) One limb of a quadruped with the adjacent parts; one fourth part of the carcass of a slaughtered animal, including a leg; as, the fore quarters; the hind quarters.
Quarter (n.) One of four equal parts into which anything is divided, or is regarded as divided; a fourth part or portion; as, a quarter of a dollar, of a pound, of a yard, of an hour, etc.
Quarter (n.) One of the divisions of an escutcheon when it is divided into four portions by a horizontal and a perpendicular line meeting in the fess point.
Quarter (n.) That part of a boot or shoe which forms the side, from the heel to the vamp.
Quarter (n.) That part on either side of a horse's hoof between the toe and heel, being the side of the coffin.
Quarter (n.) The after-part of a vessel's side, generally corresponding in extent with the quarter-deck; also, the part of the yardarm outside of the slings.
Quarter (n.) The encampment on one of the principal passages round a place besieged, to prevent relief and intercept convoys.
Quarter (n.) The fourth of a hundred-weight, being 25 or 28 pounds, according as the hundredweight is reckoned at 100 or 112 pounds.
Quarter (n.) The fourth of a ton in weight, or eight bushels of grain; as, a quarter of wheat; also, the fourth part of a chaldron of coal.
Quarter (n.) The fourth part of the moon's period, or monthly revolution; as, the first quarter after the change or full.
Quarter (v. i.) To drive a carriage so as to prevent the wheels from going into the ruts, or so that a rut shall be between the wheels.
Quarter (v. i.) To lodge; to have a temporary residence.
Quarter (v. t.) A division of a town, city, or county; a particular district; a locality; as, the Latin quarter in Paris.
Quarter (v. t.) A small upright timber post, used in partitions; -- in the United States more commonly called stud.
Quarter (v. t.) A station at which officers and men are posted in battle; -- usually in the plural.
Quarter (v. t.) A station or encampment occupied by troops; a place of lodging for soldiers or officers; as, winter quarters.
Quarter (v. t.) Friendship; amity; concord.
Quarter (v. t.) Place of lodging or temporary residence; shelter; entertainment; -- usually in the plural.
Quarter (v. t.) Proper station; specific place; assigned position; special location.
Quarter (v. t.) The fourth part of the distance from one point of the compass to another, being the fourth part of 11¡ 15', that is, about 2¡ 49'; -- called also quarter point.
Quarter (v. t.) Treatment shown by an enemy; mercy; especially, the act of sparing the life a conquered enemy; a refraining from pushing one's advantage to extremes.
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