Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Raw - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Raw: English to Bangla
Raw: English to English
Raw (n.) A raw, sore, or galled place; a sensitive spot; as, to touch one on the raw.
Raw (superl.) Bald.
Raw (superl.) Deprived of skin; galled; as, a raw sore.
Raw (superl.) Disagreeably damp or cold; chilly; bleak; as, a raw wind.
Raw (superl.) Hence: Unprepared for use or enjoyment; immature; unripe; unseasoned; inexperienced; unpracticed; untried; as, raw soldiers; a raw recruit.
Raw (superl.) Not altered from its natural state; not prepared by the action of heat; as, raw sienna; specifically, not cooked; not changed by heat to a state suitable for eating; not done; as, raw meat.
Raw (superl.) Not covered; bare.
Raw (superl.) Not distilled; as, raw water
Raw (superl.) Not mixed or diluted; as, raw spirits
Raw (superl.) Not spun or twisted; as, raw silk or cotton
Raw (superl.) Not tanned; as, raw hides
Raw (superl.) Not tried; not melted and strained; as, raw tallow
Raw (superl.) Not trimmed, covered, or folded under; as, the raw edge of a piece of metal or of cloth.
Raw (superl.) Not worked in due form; in the natural state; untouched by art; unwrought.
Raw (superl.) Sore, as if by being galled.
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